So, what can we do?
Apart from the measurements social networks are taking, first thing's first. Social media is a fairly new phenomenon, so there has not been enough longitudinal studies to prove it's long-term effects. Aside from this, I do believe that if we stop dramatizing the consequences of social media on TV, the news or any other platform and start balancing both sides of the issue, we can achieve stability.
Realistically speaking, we will not be able to give up on social media or the internet in general. We are always advancing, so why should we stop? Yes, social media can be dangerous, but so are many other things; a daily task such as driving can be an example. Many accidents occur every year. We live in a world filled with problems, but that doesn’t mean we should only look at it from that perspective. Like most lessons in life, we must educate the future generation of the consequences of social media; both the good and the bad. The CNN article I mentioned before in my introduction also provides solutions. One solution I particularly agree with is:
“Add courses on social technology and responsibility to our school curricula. Many adolescents do not understand that what they do online exposes them to the whole world -- sometimes forever. It will affect their job searches, their choice of a mate and their careers. If we can teach them about safe sex and drug and alcohol abuse, we can teach them to exercise prudence in their online communications, too.” (Potarazu, 2015)
Although this article is very negative towards social media, they do provide certain solutions that can be applied to my claim as well. Another solution the author Potarazu poses is:
"Pay more attention and provide more awareness. From a mental health standpoint, schools and colleges should stop waiting for symptoms to surface, because then it may be too late. They should offer counseling service."
This particular solution is one I have suggested before. Yes, I do believe we should provide more awareness, however, counseling will not work without taking primary steps.